Summer Course: The Literary History of the Hungarian Early Modern Era: a Tribute to Tibor Klaniczay (1923‒1992)

The Centre for Reformation Studies of ELKH, RCH Budapest organizes a summer course that pays tribute to the great scholar and founding of the Institute of Literary Studies, Tibor Klaniczay. March 20-24, 2023.

Tibor Klaniczay

Tibor Klaniczay is justly regarded as the implementer of the literary history as a special discipline investigating the early modern period. Indeed, Klaniczay’s impressive scholarly heritage constitutes a large array of thematic issues that cover a timespan from late medieval to early modern times and incorporate several relevant findings of the scholarship on Humanism, Renaissance, Reformation and the Baroque era.


The course aims to providing a complex understanding of the entire Hungarian and Hungary related early modern period taking as a point of departure Klaniczay’s findings that we still consider being relevant for the systematic study of early modern culture and society.  Accordingly, the lectures and seminars reiterating or reflecting on some of the major thesis set forth by Klaniczay will be focusing on the examination and contextualization of vernacular and Neo-Latin corpus of early modern texts. The ensuing exchanges of ideas will hopefully be revolving around the close reading of print and manuscript sources, including methodological and historiographic debates on concepts such as humanism, long reformation, and proto-enlightenment.

The language of the course is Hungarian and all the attendants are students of early modern Hungarian literary studies. The course has been designed to cover three days of intensive teaching consisting of lectures and seminars concluded by a workshop during which the participants would introduce their projects related to Reformation or the so called Klaniczay-heritage. The experts invited to give lectures and seminars are members of the Renaissance Department of the Institute for Literary Studies. The event is part of the research agenda of the Long Reformation in Eastern Europe (1500‒1800) Research Group.


A certificate of successful completion will be issued to the participants after the conclusion of the workshop.


Download here the program.


Zsombor Tóth

Centre for Reformation Studies


Research Centre for the Humanities