Journal of Early Modern Christianity Accepted for Scopus

21 December 2021

In November 2021, REFORC’s Journal of Early Modern Christianity (JEMC) has been accepted for Scopus, Elsevier’s source-neutral abstract and indexing database.

Scopus is curated by independent subject matter experts. By having content included in Scopus, scholarly publishers make their content discoverable at over 7000 of the world’s top research institutions. Content in Scopus is linked through citation mapping, so that users can see who cited a piece of content or look at what an author may have referenced to support her or his research.

In its confirmation e-mail Scopus states: “This is a very impressive and well organised journal publishing research of a very high calibre. It fully merits inclusion in SCOPUS.”

This decision recognizes the work of publisher De Gruyter and the editors, and all academics who contribute to the journal. In addition, inclusion in Scopus ensures even wider exposure of the JEMC around the world. We therefore received the message from Scopus that reached us through the publisher with great enthusiasm, and are proud of Scopus’s coverage.

Go here to Scopus’s website.

Walter de Gruyter GmbH