Accepted Short Papers

Version: March 16, 2021

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Mette Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, University of Oxford: Reformation Renegotiated: Women, Childbirth and Churching in Early Modern Denmark       

Matteo Al Kalak, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia: The Model of the Model: the Origins of the Exemplary Bishop Charles Borromeo. Panel: The Reforming Bishops Between Heresy and Politics

Ariane Albisser, Swiss Reformation Studies Institute: Lorenz Meyer – ein exzentrischer Agitator der Zürcher Reformation. Panel:Aspekte der Zürcher Reformation

Paolo Astorri, University of Copenhagen: Parental Authority, Privacy, and the Reformation of Marriage. Panel: Private Life and the Threats of Marriage in the Early Modern Period

Andreas Beck, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven (ETF Leuven): The Leiden Synopsis as a Specimen of Early Modern Theological Education: A New Annotated Edition and Translation. Panel: Theological Disputations at the University of Leiden in the Context of Early Modern Confessionalization: Projects of the Classic Reformed Theology Research Group

Henk van den Belt, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / Gereformeerde Bond: Providence in the Leiden Disputation Cycles (1596–1616): A New Research Project. Panel: Theological Disputations at the University of Leiden in the Context of Early Modern Confessionalization: Projects of the Classic Reformed Theology Research Group

Kazimierz Bem, Evangelical Theological School in Wrocław: Reformed & Always Reforming: The Odd Case of “Calvinist bishops” in Poland-Lithuania 1555-1795

Vida Bence, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar: Miklós Bethlen and the Early Modern Political Dictionary. Panel: Digital Humanities

Peter Benka, Department of Slovak History, Comenius University in Bratislava: Contested Sacral Space: Polemics about Visual Arts and Ritual in the Upper Hungarian Royal Towns, ca. 1550 – 1610

Pavlo Bilichenko, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University: Influence of Francysk Skaryna’s Views on Personality Moral Sphere оn Forming Educational Ideal at Early Modern Period

Gerard Bosker, Theological University of Apeldoorn: Bernardus Smijtegelt about Death, Dying, Heaven and Hell

Suk Yu Chan, Christian International Training Centre, Edinburgh UK: The Doctrine of providentia Dei in Zwingli’s Sermonis de providentia Dei anamnema and Calvin’s Sermons sur le livre de Job

Dávid Csorba, Károli Gáspár University of The Reformed Church in Hungary: Historical Patterns of the Cultural Memory of the Galley-Slave Cult in Hungary

Cora Dietl, Institut für Germanistik, Universität Gießen: Deconstructing Memory: Johannes Cochlaeus’s Polemical Historia Martini Lutheri. Panel: Words at War: Grobianism and Religious Conflicts in the Reformation

Adinel-Ciprian Dincă, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca: Book History and the Intellectual Horizon of the Parish Clergy in the Church of the Transylvanian Saxons (ca. 1490-1540)

Wouter Druwé, KU Leuven: Learned Legal Advice for the Congregation of Windesheim (c. 1455-1485)

Barbara Dzierżanowska, University of Warsaw: Spreading the Mission: Religious Ruthenian Song of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Mark Earngey, Moore Theological College, Sydney: Adversarial Culture of Publication in Sixteenth Century England: Bishop John Ponet vs. Bishop Stephen Gardiner

Zsófia Fellegi and Emőke Rita Szilágyi, Research Centre for Humanities, Institute for Literary Studies: Born Digital Edition of Nicolaus Olahus’s Correspondence. Panel: Digital Humanities 

Zsófia Fellegi, Research Centre for Humanities, Institute for Literary Studies: Source Editions on the Semantic Web. Panel: Digital Humanities 

Bastian Felter Vaucanson, Copenhagen and Rennes 2: The Metamorphoses of Wisdom in Fénelon’s Télémaque

Ana Luiza Ferreira Gomes Silva, KU Leuven: Re-inventing Canon Law in Leuven? The Council of Trent’s Influence in the Lectures of Petrus Peckius and Andreas Vallensis (16th – 17th centuries)

Holly Fletcher, University of Cambridge / University of Sussex: Excess and Moderation: Disciplining the Body in Reformation Germany

Csilla Gábor, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj: From History to Hagiography: the Lives of Holy Kings in András Illyés’s Legendary

Aurelio García, Universidad de Puerto Rico: Residues and Relics of Dutch Protestantism: The Mostly Abortive Indigenization of the Dutch Reformed Faith in the Caribbean

Aza Goudriaan, ETF Leuven: Philosophers in Leiden and the Theologians’ Disputations on Divine Providence. Panel: Theological Disputations at the University of Leiden in the Context of Early Modern Confessionalization: Projects of the Classic Reformed Theology Research Group

Kim Stefan Groop, Åbo Akademi University, Turku: The Disputed Pulpit in Leipzig: The Paulinerkirche Pulpit as a Vestige of the Reformation

Neulsaem “Sam” Ha, Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids: Luther’s So-called Breakthrough in the Light of the Long Reformation

Gregory Haake, University of Notre Dame: Devils in a Black Robe: Tales of Jesuit Kidnappings in Early Modern England

Sabine Hiebsch, Theological University Kampen: The Long Reformation of Dutch Lutheranism

Preston Hill, Richmont Graduate University: “Dolores Inferni in Anima Sustinuisse”: Christ’s Descent into Hell in the Thought of Calvin, Lefèvre, Pico, and Cusa

Andreas Holzem, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen: ‘…grief submerging my heart, like raging waves flooding a small island’ . Private and Public Interpretations of the Thirty Years’ War in Ravensburg

Marco Iacovella, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia: Before Borromeo. Residential Bishops in the First Half of the XVI Century. Panel:The Reforming Bishops Between Heresy and Politics   

Gábor Ittzés, Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem, Idegen Nyelvi Tsz.: From a ‘Peculiar’ to ‘Another’ Question: The Theological Significance of Melanchthon’s Reworking of the Immortality Doctrine in His De anima Commentary

Eva Janssens, Free University of Brussels: The Broad and Narrow Way as a Crossroads of Various Convictions. Panel: 3. Mutimediality and Fine Arts

Doohyeok Jeong, Theological University of Apeldoorn: Tell it to the Church. A Research on the Changes by the Exegesis of Matt 18:15-17 Before and After the Reformation

Jan Jeż, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw: The Bright of Culture at the Twilight of the Dynasty or the Fundation Activity of the Mazovian Duchess Anna Radziwiłł

Karin Kallas-Põder, University of Helsinki: Christian Life in the Context of Divine Predestination. Experiential and Affective Themes in Martin Luther’s De servo arbitrio

Michael Kearney, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh: An Invitation into the Rhetorical Significance of the Genevan Psalter

Kyung Phil Kim, Calvin Seminary, Grand Rapids; Principia naturalia or semen religionis? A Merger of Two Lines of Thought from the Reformation to the Reformed Early Orthodoxy Era

Jonas Kjøller-Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen: Jesper Rasmussen Brochmand’s Concept of Faith Between Dogmatics and Pastoral Care

Natacha Klein Käfer, Centre for Privacy Studies: Love Spells and the Negotiation of Marital Power. Panel:Private Life and the Threats of Marriage in the Early Modern Period

Wojciech Kordyzon, University of Warsaw: Laboratory of Genres in Vernacular Polish: Sixteenth-Century Publishing Programme in the Duchy of Prussia

Jakub Koryl, Jagiellonian University: Fides solum ex auditu: Phenomenological Reassumption of the Lutheran Principle (Martin Heidegger – Ernst Fuchs – Gerhard Ebeling)

Dóra Kovács, ELTE BTK TDI: The Servitors of István Báthory of Ecsed and the Consolidation of Calvinism in Upper Hungary   

Michael Lapp, Evangelische Kirche von Kurhessen-Waldeck: Confessionalisierung (Denominationalization) in Hesse and the Development of the Terms of Denomitation at the Beginning  of the 17th Century (presentation in German, English translation available)

Tapio Leinonen, University of Helsinki: Models of Leadership. Martin Luther on Moses in Lectures on Deuteronomy

Ananda Majumdar, University of Alberta, Harvard Graduate School of Professional Education: Significance of Art and Music the Theological, Political, and Philosophical Movement Called as The Long Reformation     

Tomasz Karol Mantyk, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II:  Ecclesiology of F. Titelmans’s Commentary on the Song of Solomon

Szilvia Maróthy, RCH Institute for Literary Studies: Manuscript and Research Data Matters: First Steps Towards a Data Driven Research. Panel: Digital Humanities

Aleksandra Matczyńska, University of Wrocław: Not Only a ‘Hausfrau’. Townswomen and Noblewomen as Art Patrons in Silesia in the Years 1520-1620    

Jason Matossian, Mount Ararat Bible Church, Northridge: Unity Without Uniformity: The Conflict Over Occasional Conformity in Early Eighteenth-Century England

Béla Vilmos Mihalik, Institute of History, Research Centre for Humanities: Late Catholic Reforms at Local Level in Eightheenth-Century Hungary

Joe Mock, Gracepoint Chinese Presbyterian Church, Lidcombe: Bullinger’s Reaction to Trent in Ecclesias evangelicas neque haereticas neque schismaticas (1552). Panel: Aspekte der Zürcher Reformation

Attila Molnár, Thomas Molnar Institute, NUPS Budapest: Calvinist Religiosity among Hungarians of 17th Century

Mathias Moosbrugger, University of Innsbruck: Saving the Council of Trent: Peter Canisius and the Imperial Theological Commission of 1563

Tünde Móré, Research Centre for Humanities, Budapest. Institute for Literary Studies: The Pious Noble Woman in Sixteenth Century Hungary – Two Funeral Orations from the 1560s

Szilvia Musasizi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Centre for the Humanities: Hungarian Daughter Zion Crying out to the Lord in the Wilderness – The Hungarian Exiles’ Interpretation of History at the End of the 17th Century. Panel: Long Reformation and Historical Writing

Steff Nellis, Ghent University: Spectacular Processions: Early Modern Catholicism through the Eyes of Bernard Picart and Jean Frederic Bernard in the Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde (1723-1743)

Ben Nelson, Presbyterian Presbyterian Theological College Victoria: Jesus, Moses and the Spirit in the Annotationes in Evangelium Ioannis by Johannes Oecolampadius (1482-1531)

Peter Opitz, Institut für Schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte: Die Vorrede zur Froschauer Bibel von 1531: Eine unbekannte reformierte Hermeneutik. Panel: Aspekte der Zürcher Reformation

Levente Pap, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania: Religious Propaganda in Martin Opitz`s Sarmatica

Marta Quatrale, Freie Universität Berlin: Turning wars into Drakes and Cherries: On Some Methodological Issues on Hussitism in German Popular Narrations

Tadeusz Rubik, University of Warsaw, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”: Censorship of the Wujek’s Bible (1599). Conflicting Ideas of Religious Persuasion

Andrei Constantin Sălăvăstru, University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iaşi: Calvinist Notions of Resistance and Huguenot Noble Propaganda during the First Decade of the French Wars of Religion

Bernward Schmidt, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: Erudition, Entertainment and Invectivity. Conflict in Kilian Leib’s Historiographical Works. Panel: Words at War: Grobianism and Religious Conflicts in the Reformation

Ádám Sebestyén, ELTE – Centre for Digital Humanities: Prosopographical Database Development and the Careers of the Hungarian Reformation. Panel: Digital Humanities

Natália da Silva Perez, Centre for Privacy Studies, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen: The Legal Standing of Strategies of Sexual Privacy. Panel: Private Life and the Threats of Marriage in the Early Modern Period

Marie Škarpová, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague: Singing the Bible in Hymns by the Czechs: the Czech Perikopenlieder from the Late 15th Century to the Early 18th Century in a Trans-cultural and Multi-confessional Perspective

Harry Spillane, University of Cambridge: Matthew Parker and the Vernacular Bible in Early Elizabethan England

Isabelle Stauffer, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: Grobian Trouble. The dispute of Martin Luther and Thomas Murner. Panel: Words at War: Grobianism and Religious Conflicts in the Reformation

Edit Szegedi, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai: The Least Known Confession in the Principality of Transylvania:  the Long Journey from ‘Lutheranism’ in the 16th Century to Lutheranism in the 17th Century   

Örs Székely, Babeș–Bolyai University: Translating Theology: Catholic Reformation as an Economical Paradigm

Rasmus Vangshardt, University of Southern Denmark: Apologetics and Religion in Early Modern Corpus Christi Drama

Csongor Vass, Babeș-Bolyai University, Hungarian Studies PhD-School; Roman Catholic Archdiocesan Archive of Alba Iulia: Jesuit Mission and Catholic Re-formation in 17th century Transylvania. The Example of Pál Baranyi

Meine Veldman, Faculté de Theologie Evangelique, Montreal: An Analysis and Critique of the Dissertation on the Conformity of Faith and Reason in G.W. Leibniz’s Theodicy

Mona Velinsky, Universität Zürich, Institut für Schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte: Die lex Dei als Evangelium. Aspekte der Ethik Ulrich Zwinglis. Panel: Aspekte der Zürcher Reformation

Isabella Walser-Bürgler, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Innsbruck: Outlets for Protestant World Views? The Inaugural Oration at Early Modern German Universities

Miriam Have Watts, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen: The Subtle and the Literal. Rhetorical Elements in Church Art and Liturgical Furnishings

Ulrich A. Wien, Universität Koblenz-Landau: No Place for the Doctrine of Justification in the ecclesia teutonicorum in Transylvania?

Izabela Winiarska-Górska, University of Warsaw: The Concept of Vernacular Vulgate in the Discourses of Polish Protestants and Catholics in the 16th and 17th Centuries (from the Linguistic Perspective)


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