Conference on Stephan Báthory /Bátory István/ Stefan Batory. Shape and Effect in International Comparison

A series of conferences on Stephen Bathory, Prince of Transylvania, King of Poland, and Grand Duke of Lithuania is in preparation. The organizers welcome short paper proposals for the first conference, which will take place in Budapest, September 14-16, 2022.

Conference on Stephan Báthory /Bátory István/ Stefan Batory. Shape and Effect in  International  Comparison

Stephen Bathory (1533-1586)

Stephen Bathory is known in historiography as Prince of Transylvania, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. Until recently, his figure and actions were described separately in the Hungarian, Romanian, Polish and Lithuanian contexts, so that the impression could arise that Stephen Báthory, Bátory István and Stefan Batory were three different persons, who each conducted different policies in their domains.

Three Conferences

The hitherto usual national perspective on this important Central European ruler in the last third of the 16th century will be overcome with a three-part, cross-border series of conferences initiated and supported by REFORC. With new, innovative questions, the entire range of Báthory’s interconnections, actions and effects will be raised to a new level in a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective.
Báthory’s work is characterised by the conditions of pluriethnic and pluriconfessional relations in the entire geographical area. Accordingly, the multipolarity as well as the pre-national perspective of the early modern period will be focused on and considered in the conference contributions. Regional specialisations are to be integrated into this overall perspective. Contributions from the ranks of young academics are expressly welcome!

The first conference in Budapest will focus in particular on the political, military and diplomatic historical dimensions, economic and social historical aspects as well as the Báthory family. Under the perspectives outlined above, we request innovative contributions and thematic proposals for the forthcoming conference. Further research foci as well as supplementary questions will be dealt with at the follow-up conferences in Warsaw and Sibiu (2023).


For speakers at the Budapest conference, the organisers will reimburse travel expenses and provide free accommodation.

Topic Proposals and Abstracts

Please send your topic proposals and a short abstract to Prof. Dr. Ildikó Horn. The deadline for abstract submissions is March 15th, 2022.


REFORC, University of Eötvös Loránd (Budapest), Institute of European History (Mainz), Institute of Protestant Theology, Landau Campus, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu, Association of Transylvanian Studies (Sibiu)


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