Call for Papers Tenth Annual RefoRC Conference on Early Modern Christianity 2021

The Research Centre for the Humanities in Budapest will host the Tenth Annual RefoRC Conference on Early Modern Christianity, May 6-8, 2021. You are welcome to register and to submit your short paper proposal.

Call for Papers Tenth Annual RefoRC Conference on Early Modern Christianity 2021

Topic Plenary Papers

Long Reformation (ca. 1400–1800): Confessions, Cultures, and Societies.


Short Papers and General Attendance

The conference is open to individual short paper presentations (20 minute presentation, 10 minute discussion) and to thematic sessions of two or three short papers. It is also possible to attend the conference without presenting a paper. While we encourage papers on the conference theme, papers can focus on all disciplines related to Early Modern Christianity, ca. 1450-1650, such as philosophy, law, history, theology, etc., independent of the theme of the plenary papers.

Short paper submissions are welcome before March 1, 2021 via the online registration form. Papers that had been accepted for the Aarhus conference 2020 are accepted for Budapest as well, but we do kindly ask to fill out the registration form for the 2021 conference.



Go here for more.


Visual: Reproduction: Wien Museum, Peter and Birgit Kainz, Allegorie auf das Toleranzpatent Josephs II. vom 13. Oktober 1781


