Students and scholars are invited to apply to attend a Latin Reading Workshop, sponsored by the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, from July 8-19, 2024.
This two-week course, led by Dr. David Noe, aims to help participants grow in their confidence in approaching unfamiliar texts, giving them tools to begin to navigate the strength and beauty of the Latin language, and to gain appreciation for the broad conversation in which the authors of the 16th century are participating. Those accepted to the course and whose place of residence is more than 30 miles outside of Grand Rapids will receive a $500 stipend to help defray costs of travel and accommodation. Application deadline is March 5, 2024. Candidates must have completed four semesters of college-level Latin courses or their equivalent and need to take a Latin placement test to qualify.
For more information on applying, and a downloadable application form, please go here.