“I have good hope!”

05 May 2022

With this oneliner Zsombor Tóth (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) summarized the roundtable on RESILIENCE which was held at the Eleventh Annual REFORC Conference in Berlin.

Publishers (Brill and De Gruyter) and researchers discussed how RESILIENCE as a research infrastructure (RI), presented by its director Francesca Cadeddu, could serve studies on Early Modern Christianity.

Publishers are natural partners of such an RI as they have massive primary and secondary sources, both digital and in print, whereas researchers have the knowledge on hidden sources and collections, and less accessible languages.

The roundtable made clear that RESILIENCE is not seeking competition but cooperation, and not quantity but quality, and that convinced the academic publishers that this RI is for them interesting, innovative and challenging. No wonder Zsombor Tóth ended with speaking about hope, as the roundtable inspires to find forward together.

Visual, left to right: Arjan van Dijk (Brill), Jörg Persch (Brill Deutschland), Francesca Cadeddu (RESILIENCE), Albrecht Doehnert (De Gruyter), Zsombor Tóth (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)



Annual REFORC Conference