Iohannes Filiczki De Filefalva: Carmina Quae Exstant Omnia

08 January 2024

The oeuvre of Io­han­nes Fi­licz­ki de Fi­le­fal­va (ca. 1583–1622) is al­most com­pletely unk­nown in Hun­ga­ri­an li­ter­ary his­to­ry, alt­ho­ugh some of his contem­poraries called him the “se­cond Ovid”.

Af­ter a de­ca­de and a half of his pere­grination in Ger­many and Switzer­land, he re­turned to Hun­gary around May 1616, and wor­ked as an as­sis­tant pro­fes­sor at the Cal­vi­nist scho­ol of Sá­ros­pa­tak. In 1622, he be­came the rec­tor but died of the pla­gue in Au­gust of the same year.

The cur­rent vo­lu­me is pub­lish­ing the cri­ti­cal edi­ti­on of Filiczki’s known po­e­tic works. This vo­lu­me will be ava­i­lab­le free of char­ge both in print­ed and in pdf format.

Fi­licz­ki De Fi­le­fal­va, Io­han­nes. Car­mi­na Quae Ex­stant Om­nia. Edi­dit, Int­ro­du­xit Et Com­men­ta­ri­is Inst­ru­xit Da­vid Mol­nár. 7. Bib­li­ot­he­ca Scrip­to­rum Me­dii Re­cen­tis­que Ævo­rum. Se­ri­es Nova 20. Bu­da­pest: re­ci­ti, 2023.

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