15 February 2021
We are happy with all the books we received for the RefoRC Book Award 2021. Now we are pleased to present the longlist to you. The winner announcement will take place during the Annual RefoRC Conference on Early Modern Christianity, May 6-8, 2021.
Els Agten, The Catholic Church and the Dutch Bible. From the Council of Trent to the Jansenist Controversy (1564–1733)
Jonathon D. Beeke, Duplex Regnum Christi, Christ’s Twofold Kingdom in Reformed Theology
Kazimierz Bem, Calvinism in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth 1548–1648. The Churches and the Faithful
Cornelis H.W. van den Berg, Anton Engelbrecht 1487–1556. Eine Biografie und eine vollständige Edition der Acten des sunderlichen sinodums die oberkeit belangend (1533)
Robert Christman, The Dynamics of the Early Reformation in their Reformed Augustinian Context
Bryan Cussen, Pope Paul III and the Cultural Politics of Reform. 1534-1549
J.V. Fesko, The Covenant of Works. The origin, Development, and Reception of the Doctrine.
Crawford Gribben, An Introduction to John Owen: A Christian Vision for Every Stage of Life
Jan van de Kamp, Übersetzungen von Erbauungsliteratur und die Rolle von Netzwerken am Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts
James E. Kelly, English Convents in Catholic Europe, c.1600–1800
Pierre-Olivier Léchot, Luther et Mahomet
Bárbara Mujica, Women Religious and Epistolary Exchange in the Carmelite Reform. The Disciples of Teresa de Avila
Nina Niedermeier, Die ersten Bildnisse von Heiligen der frühen Neuzeit. Porträtähnlichkeit in nachtridentinischer Zeit
Stanislau Paulau, Das andere Christentum. Zur transkonfessionellen Verflechtungsgeschichte von äthiopischer Orthodoxie und europäischem Protestantismus
Rose-Marie Peake, The Power of Religious Societies in Shaping Early Modern Society and Identities
Barbara Pitkin, Calvin, the Bible, and History
Mattias Skat Sommer, Envisioning the Christian Society. Niels Hemmingsen (1513–1600) and the Ordering of Sixteenth-Century Denmark
Ulrike Strasser, Missionary Men in the Early Modern World. German Jesuits and Pacific Journeys