06 July 2020
The Centre for Privacy Studies of the University of Copenhagen provides interesting media, reflecting on the topic of privacy from various disciplines.
The PRIVACY research team, led by Mette Birkedal Bruun, examines how notions of privacy and the private shape relations between individuals and society across diverse historical contexts. We are particularly interested in indications of privacy as a quality and threat: in the emergence and development of the idea that too little privacy threatens the individual while too much may ruin society.
PRIVACY focuses on the period 1500–1800 that sees critical changes in individuals’ relationship to society. It brings together the fields of Church History, History of Architecture, History of Ideas, Legal History and Social History.
The centre provides interesting media, reflecting on the topic of privacy from various disciplines.
In the Privacy Studies Podcast, producer and host Natália da Silva Perez talks to guests about privacy from a historical perspective. Invited scholars come also from a range of disciplines beyond history, including law, social and computer sciences, communications, and philosophy. Lectures and seminars from the Centre for Privacy Studies are also featured in this show.
Go here to read more.
Visual: aasarchitecture, showing the new buildings of the University of Copenhagen