BullingerDigital: A Powerful Research Tool

20 March 2023

Those seeking to research the vast Heinrich Bullinger correspondence (HBBW) now have a powerful tool in the Bullinger Digital platform which is being progressively updated to add more and more features. This is cutting-edge technology in using AI for research into 16th century documents. Furthermore, it is freely accessible and very user friendly.

Digitisation of Bullinger Letters

There are about 10,000 letters to and 2,000 letters from Bullinger extant in the Zurich State Archives and in the Zurich Central Library. Some of these letters (1524 to 1547) have already been edited and published by researchers of the IRG, by a dedicated team of professional 16th century handwriting experts under the leadership of Prof Dr Peter Opitz (UZH).

Since 2019 in a collaboration between the IRG and the Department of Computational Linguistics (www.cl.uzh.ch) at the University of Zurich (UZH), Prof. Dr Martin Volk and his team have successfully digitised around 10,000 of these letters. Within a short span of time the vast majority of the correspondence is now available with a click of a mouse.


Go here to BullingerDigital

New Technologies to Examine the Heinrich Bullinger Letters

Read also the article on our website regarding the presentations by Prof. Volk on the new technologies to examine the Heinrich Bullinger Letters.
