Refo500 Celebrates 10th Anniversary

14 December 2019

Exactly 10 years ago today the Refo500 Foundation was founded, aiming at highlighting the Reformation and its relevance. To this end, the international platform Refo500 has been developed and over the years has been of service to many partners from all over the world

Refo50 Foundation is pleased that there has been, and still is, a great deal of interest in working together on productions around the 16th century Reformations (Refo500/RefoRC) and Early Modern Christianity (RefoRC) in general and also that these productions have come about in all kinds of forms  over the years: together with our partners we have created a colourful palette of books, films, exhibitions, research projects, conferences and so on.

The composition of these partners has changed over the years both in terms of number and type. Academic institutions are a relatively larger share of our partnership base. Given the past anniversaries, this should not come as a surprise. It also offers prospects for the future because the academic world is not dependent on anniversaries. In the meantime, together with the RefoRC Board and the Board of the Refo500 Foundation, we are planning a new and even more effective approach from 2022 onwards, while  retaining the unique character that is expressed primarily in our network function.

The fact that two new partners have just joined the platform, namely the Catholic University of Lublin and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, demonstrates the continuing attractivity of Refo500. That is why the Foundation is just as enthusiastic as ten years ago and is looking forward to many more years of  fruitful cooperation.
