RefoRC Goes Hybrid!

25 January 2021

The Tenth Annual RefoRC Conference on Early Modern Christianity, planned for May 6-8, 2021 in Budapest, will be a hybrid event: it can be attended both in-person and virtually. As a result, the deadline for short paper submissions has been extended and the registration fees have been reduced.


The current situation and the uncertainty about developments in the coming months regarding COVID-19 made it necessary to make this decision.

The hybrid event is unique and challenging – and thus fitting to RefoRC – but we have good confidence that the two-way approach will be successful. Our intention to assure a numerous offline participation did not change. Therefore, we leave open the possibility for in-person participation, which in the present situation is possible for those in Hungary and might towards May be also possible for some scholars from other countries.

The virtual conference does allow scholars to present their research, to participate in discussions, and to (re)connect with fellow scholars and publishers.

Extended Deadline

We are happy to inform you, that the deadline for short paper submissions has been extended to March 1, 2021. The deadline for registration without a paper will remain the same: May 5, 2021.

Reduced Fee

Because of the change, we are able to offer a reduced registration fee. You will find the reduced fees in the registration form . If you have already paid the fee, you will receive a refund and a notification about the refund.


Papers may be in the form of a video recorded presentation, e.g. for scholars in time zones that make live presentations complicated. You may want to contact the organizers if you prefer to offer a video recorded presentation. Information on criteria for video presentations will soon be available.

All sessions will be recorded. The video recordings will be accessible shortly after the conference.

Publisher Presentations and Roundtables

Publishers will have the chance to present their publications in the field of Early Modern Christianity. Moreover, we think of offering some roundtables with publishers, museums and others. Publishers and possible presenters will receive an update and an invitation in the coming weeks.

Program and Time Slots

Shortly after the short paper submission deadline (March 1, 2021) we hope to announce the time slots of the program. While establishing the program, we will try to take into consideration as much as possible the time zones the various presenters are in.

Coronavirus Updates

Regular updates concerning the Coronavirus in Hungary can be read on this official website of the Hungarian government.

Practical Information

Practical information, like how to join the online sessions, will be shared with the participants in the coming months.

If you are planning to attend the conference in-person, you may want to know that currently restaurants are closed. However, we have a solution for that, so that you can have lunch or dinner safely.

If you are travelling from abroad to Hungary we can inform you, that in the case of a business trip there is no need to quarantine or to show a negative COVID-19 test. You only need to have a completed certificate with you, which you can download here.

Your Questions and Feedback

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or feedback. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Conference Webpage

Go here to the conference webpage.


Annual REFORC Conference