Special Issue JEMC on The Making of the European Reformation

18 November 2020

Now available at De Gruyter: a special issue of the Journal of Early Modern Christianity (JEMC) on Invention, Transfer, and Reception: The Making of the European Reformation.

Guest Editor

Zsombor Tóth

Research Articles

Alexander Schunka
Luther’s Hammers: German Academic Historiography and Popular Memory of the
Reformation in the Context of its 2017 Anniversary 201

Günter Frank
The End of the Age of Reformation? 2017 as an Ecumenical Approach to the
Reformation 217

Peter Opitz
Problems and Challenges of the Modern Historiography of the Zwinglian
Reformation 229

Wim François
Deconstructing the Protestant Liberation of the Bible: The Case of the Low
Countries 247

James E. Kelly
England and the Catholic Reformation: The Peripheries Strike Back 271

Tarald Rasmussen
Ambiguous Memories of the Reformation: The Case of Norway 287

Eva Kowalská
Problems with the Interpretation of the “Slovak Reformation” 305

Zsombor Tóth
Understanding Long Reformation in Eastern Europe: The Case of Hungarian
Puritanism Revisited 3


