Unio Cum Christo: New Testament Studies and Theological Method

17 October 2024

The new issue of the Unio Cum Christo journal on New Testament studies and theological method has been published online.

From the Editor’s Introduction

“This year’s theme focuses on the topic of New Testament studies and theological method, and we are privileged to feature papers originally presented at a panel in honor of Gerhard Visscher, emeritus professor of New Testament and former principal at Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary in Hamilton, Ontario. Each of these articles addresses a significant topic in contemporary New Testament scholarship, specifically the use of the Septuagint in the New Testament (Jannes Smith), the messianic typology of David’s identity as “God’s son” (Cornelis Van Dam), and the contribution of Josephus to meeting the challenges raised by the New Perspective on Paul (William den Hollander). The second part of the volume takes up a broader consideration of method in biblical interpretation and theology. Michael Mulder explores how New Testament studies, especially Pauline studies, may benefit from input from Jewish liturgical traditions. Pieter de Vries analyzes Alvin Plantinga’s discussion of biblical authority with reference to the sensus divinitatus and the internal witness of the Holy Spirit and draws implications for the interpretive task of biblical scholars. Finally, Harry Wendt considers the status of church history as a theological discipline, with a particular focus on the ethical posture of the interpreter.”

Unio cum Christo (UcC): International Journal of Reformed Theology and Life is a multidisciplinary theological journal. It is committed to serving the academia worldwide—in particular, in line with its roots, the global Reformed community—by fostering scholarly discussion and understanding in the fields of biblical, theological, historical, and practical studies. UcC aims to sharpen and advance Reformed scholarship through academic research. Aiming for maximum distribution—and especially to attend to those in isolated and minority contexts—UcC is an Open Access journal; issues and articles can be downloaded free of charge.

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