Two REFORC Awards are presented annually for publications related to Early Modern Christianity (c. 1400-1700): a REFORC Book Award and a REFORC Paper Award.

The awards aim to encourage academics to present their research.


  • The content of the book or paper is related to Early Modern Christianity.
  • Publications are written in English, French or German.
  • Books should be written by a single author and should be published in the calendar year preceding the award year.
  • Nominations for the REFORC Paper Award may be made by individuals who have presented a paper at the Annual REFORC Conference. The recipient agrees to have the paper published in the conference volume or the Journal of Early Modern Christianity.

Criteria for Selection

  • Originality of topic and research.
  • Methodological and literary quality.
  • Presentation of new insights.
  • Academic and social relevance.


Applications should be written in English and sent to the president of the Board of REFORC. Once applications are acknowledged, copies of the work should be sent as follows:

  • REFORC Book Award: The author is responsible for sending three hard copies of the book to the president of the Board of REFORC before March 1st.
  • REFORC Paper Award: The author is responsible for sending a pdf to the president of the Board of REFORC within two months after the Annual REFORC Conference.

All submitted books will be presented on REFORC’s website and social media.


The Board of REFORC decides on the prize-winning book and award. The decision is based on the evaluation of a committee of three REFORC board members and is final.


  • REFORC Book Award: the author of the selected book will receive € 1000 and a certificate.
  • REFORC Paper Award: the author of the selected paper will receive € 500 and the paper will be published in the conference volume or the Journal of Early Modern Christianity.

Winner Announcements

  • REFORC Book Award: at the Annual REFORC Conference in May.
  • REFORC Paper Award: through our newsletter and social media.

Time Schedule

  • November: Call for applications for the REFORC Book Award.
  • March: Decision on the REFORC Book Award by the Board of REFORC.
  • May: Winner of the REFORC Book Award announced at the Annual REFORC Conference.
  • May: Call for submissions for the REFORC Paper Award.
  • July: Decision on the REFORC Paper Award by the Board of REFORC.
  • July: Announcement of the REFORC Paper Award winner.


Contact Herman J. Selderhuis, president of the Board of REFORC.

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