The Reformation Research Consortium (REFORC) is a unique and international association of universities, research institutions, companies, societies and individuals focusing on Early Modern Christianity (ca. 1400-ca. 1700).
REFORC strengthens interdisciplinary research on Early Modern Christianity.
Read moreREFORC is legally a department of Refo500 Foundation, seated in the Netherlands with ANBI Status (Charitable Incorporated Organisation).
Read MoreREFORC is an association whose members are individuals and academic institutions with a special interest in Early Modern Christianity.
Read MoreRefo500 Foundation, founded in 2009, is a Dutch general foundation which does not identify itself with any particular viewpoint, church or religion. The Foundation maintains and facilitates the international association REFORC, focusing on Early Modern Christianity.
Read MoreSenior Assistant Professor in History of Christianity and Churches at the University of Palermo. He is a member of FSCIRE, where he acts as Vice-Coordinator of the “Giuseppe Alberigo” European School for Advanced Religious Studies.
Professor of History of Philosophy of the Institute for Philosophy at the Free University Berlin.
Assistant Professor of Church History and History of Theology from the Reformation period to the present day at the Institute for Swiss Reformation History at the University of Zurich.
Aleksandra Lipińska is a substitute professor of Early Modern Art at the Art History Institute of the Univeristy of Cologne.
Church Historian and Director of the Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII for Religious Studies in Bologna.
Literary Historian. Senior Research Fellow HAS, RCH, Institute for Literary Studies. Central and Southeastern Europe Coordinator for Refo500.
Professor of Church History of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo.
Junior Professor for the History of Christianity at the Institute of Protestant Theology at Osnabrück University.
Professor of Church History and Church Polity at the Theological University Apeldoorn, director of Refo500, president of the Board of REFORC.
Professor of Early Modern Religious History at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Faculty of Arts). Co-Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Early Modern Christianity and member of the Editorial Board of the Refo500 Academic Series.
Associate Professor of Church History at the Section of Church History, University of Copenhagen. Also Secretary of the Board of REFORC.