New Publications
Die Glasmalereien des Regensburger Doms. Vom 13. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert
Douglas Murray Prize 2020 Goes to Richard J. Serina
Preston Hill Wins REFORC Paper Award 2021
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New Issue Journal of Early Modern Christianity
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Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes
Call for Papers
Call for Papers for the Book: (Com)passions: Women Religious Embodied Spiritualities in Christianity (From Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period)
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Konfessionspolitik und Medien in Europa 1500–1700. Konflikte, Konkurrenzen, Theorien
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Körper-Bilder in der Frühen Neuzeit. Kunst-, medizin- und mediengeschichtliche Perspektiven
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New Publications
Revolts and Political Violence in Early Modern Imagery
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Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals: Why We Need Our Past to Have a Future
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Art in Dispute. Catholic Debates at the Time of Trent
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Cajetan und Luther
Freiheyt 1525. 500 Years of the Peasants’ War
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Encyclopedia of Early Modern History, volume 12
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Reformation Anglicanism: A Vision for Today’s Global Communion
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Deutsche Gemälde im Städel Museum 1550–1725
REFORC Book Award 2022, Call for Submissions
Antiquarian: Works of John Calvin
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Gottes Wort und fürstliche Macht. Silberaltäre des 17. Jahrhunderts zwischen München und Stockholm