
Young Scholars Approaching Older Issues on REFORC Conference
Young Scholars Approaching Older Issues on REFORC Conference
Natio Ungarica
New Publications
Natio Ungarica
LutherRose 2020 presented to Tandean Rustandy in Bologna
LutherRose 2020 presented to Tandean Rustandy in Bologna
Konversion und Integration
New Publications
Konversion und Integration
Die Implementation der Reformation in Braunschweig (1528–1599)
New Publications
Die Implementation der Reformation in Braunschweig (1528–1599)
Das Goldene Zeitalter global
New Publications
Das Goldene Zeitalter global
The Bible Convictions of John Wycliffe
New Publications
The Bible Convictions of John Wycliffe
Stiften gehen! Wie man aus Not eine Tugend macht
New Publications
Stiften gehen! Wie man aus Not eine Tugend macht
Conciliarism, Humanism and Law
New Publications
Conciliarism, Humanism and Law
Politics and ‘Politiques’ in Sixteenth-Century France
New Publications
Politics and ‘Politiques’ in Sixteenth-Century France
The Swiss Brethren: A Story in Fragments.
New Publications
The Swiss Brethren: A Story in Fragments.
Antiquarian: Calvini Opera
Antiquarian: Calvini Opera
Zsombor Tóth: I am fascinated by the emergence, interaction and competition between the oral, written and printed media during the early modern era
Zsombor Tóth: I am fascinated by the emergence, interaction and competition between the oral, written and printed media during the early modern era
Kunst und Religion zwischen Mittelalter und Barock. Von Dante bis Bach (three volumes)
New Publications
Kunst und Religion zwischen Mittelalter und Barock. Von Dante bis Bach (three volumes)
Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Baden
New Publications
Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Baden
Die theologische Entwicklung Bernhard Rothmanns
New Publications
Die theologische Entwicklung Bernhard Rothmanns
Freedom from Fatalism
New Publications
Freedom from Fatalism
Union with God
New Publications
Union with God
Of One Tree. Calvin on Jews and Christians in the Context of the Late Middle Ages
New Publications
Of One Tree. Calvin on Jews and Christians in the Context of the Late Middle Ages
The Church-Union of the Armenians in Transylvania (1685–1715)
New Publications
The Church-Union of the Armenians in Transylvania (1685–1715)