
Luthers Ontologie des Werdens
New Publications
Luthers Ontologie des Werdens
Johann Sebastian Bach’s Personal Copy of Abraham Calov’s Bible Commentary
New Publications
Johann Sebastian Bach’s Personal Copy of Abraham Calov’s Bible Commentary
Spitalobjekte. Materielle Kulturen des Spitals in der Vormoderne
New Publications
Spitalobjekte. Materielle Kulturen des Spitals in der Vormoderne
Volume 102 (2022): Issue 3-4 in Church History and Religious Culture
New Publications
Volume 102 (2022): Issue 3-4 in Church History and Religious Culture
Christianity in Germany 1550–1850. Confessionalization – Enlightenment – Pluralization
New Publications
Christianity in Germany 1550–1850. Confessionalization – Enlightenment – Pluralization
New Technologies to Examine the Heinrich Bullinger Letters
New Technologies to Examine the Heinrich Bullinger Letters
BullingerDigital: A Powerful Research Tool
BullingerDigital: A Powerful Research Tool
Reformatorische Paulusauslegungen
New Publications
Reformatorische Paulusauslegungen
Friends, Neighbours, Sinners
New Publications
Friends, Neighbours, Sinners
Zwingliana Band 49: Jg. 2022
New Publications
Zwingliana Band 49: Jg. 2022
Ringen um den einen Gott
New Publications
Ringen um den einen Gott
Longlist REFORC Book Award 2023
Longlist REFORC Book Award 2023
Der Gnadenstuhl als interkonfessionelles Zentralthema
New Publications
Der Gnadenstuhl als interkonfessionelles Zentralthema
Capricci luterani? (Open Access)
New Publications
Capricci luterani? (Open Access)
Accepted Short Papers
Annual REFORC Conference
Accepted Short Papers
Dämonen, Teufel, Hexenglaube. Böse Geister im europäischen Mittelalter
New Publications
Dämonen, Teufel, Hexenglaube. Böse Geister im europäischen Mittelalter
Concert Bellum et Pax by Capella Nova
Concert Bellum et Pax by Capella Nova
The Reception of John Chrysostom in Early Modern Europe
New Publications
The Reception of John Chrysostom in Early Modern Europe
A Forceful and Fruitful Verse
New Publications
A Forceful and Fruitful Verse
New Issue Unio Cum Christo: Packer, Stott, and Global Anglicanism
New Publications
New Issue Unio Cum Christo: Packer, Stott, and Global Anglicanism