New Publications
Heinrich Nolle: Parergi Philosophici Speculum. Spiegel des chymischen Parergon (1623)
Annual REFORC Conference
Call for Papers Twelfth Annual REFORC Conference on Early Modern Christianity
New Publications
Orgelpredigten in Europa (1600-1800)
Scholarships and Jobs
Job Offer: Postdoctoral Scholar for a Project on Divine Grace, Human Agency, and Economic Entrepreneurship in Luis de Molina
New Publications
Johannes Crotus Rubianus
Call for Papers: Wellbeing in Early Modern Christianity: Perspectives and Practices for a Happy Life
New Publications
Martin Luther’s Understanding of Faith and Reality (1513–1521)
New Publications
In den Augen der Anderen
New Publications
Karl V. – Schutzherr der jüdischen Gemeinschaft vor lutherischem Unheil?
New Publications
Experiencing God in Late Medieval and Early Modern England
New Publications
Knowledge and Culture in the Early Dutch Republic
New Publications
Beyond Devotion
New Publications
Johann Albrecht Bengel: Briefwechsel. Briefe 1732–April 1741
New Publications
Testes veritatis
New Publications
Loyal to the Republic, Pious to the Church
Book Presentation
Lutheranism and Social Responsibility
Scholarships and Jobs
Tenure Track Positions in Early Modernities/Reformations (Open Rank)
New Publications
New Issue Unio Cum Christo on Economy, Business, and Ethics
New Publications
Luther übersetzt. Von der Macht der Worte
Schnell und Steiner Sommeraktion