New Publications
Handbuch Frieden im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit / Handbook of Peace in Early Modern Europe
New Publications
Schwedische Buchgeschichte. Zeitalter der Reformation und Konfessionalisierung
New Publications
Das Huldigungssilber der Welfen des Neuen Hauses Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1520-1706). Geschenkkultur und symbolische Interaktion zwischen Fürst und Untertanen
New Publications
Die Wittenberger ‘Scripta publice proposita’ (1540–1569). Universitätsbekannt machungen im Umfeld des späten Melanchthon
New Publications
First Open Access Volume in R5AS Series: Common Man, Society and Religion in the 16th century
Refo500 Launches New REFORC
Annual REFORC Conference
Videos Tenth Annual RefoRC Conference Available
Els Agten about Her “Jansenist Gene” and Where it Led to
Els Agten Wins REFORC Book Award 2021
Annual REFORC Conference
Budapest is Everywhere
New Publications
Christianity and Violence in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. Perspectives from Europe and Japan
New Publications
Literarisches Leben zwischen Rhein und Main
New Publications
Gartenkunst in Deutschland. Von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart
Call for Applications ReIReS School on the Use and Study of Special Documents
Available for Purchase: Joan Blaeu’s City Atlas of the Netherlands
New Publications
New Issue JEMC on the Reception of the Reformation in Transylvania
New Publications
Helgonskåp. Medieval Tabernacle Shrines in Sweden and Europe
New Publications
Music in Martin Luther’s Theology
Scholarships and Jobs
Fully Funded Doctoral Fellowship within the Pardons-Research Project
New Publications
The Emergence of Pastoral Authority in the French Reformed Church (c.1555-c.1572)