New Publications
Sebastian Castellio. De haereticis an sint persequendi (1554) Von Ketzeren (1555) Traicté des heretiques (1557)
New Publications
Issue 1 of Volume 11 JEMC
New Publications
Early Modern Catholicism and the Printed Book
New Publications
The Moment of Death in Early Modern Europe, c. 1450–1800
Schnell und Steiner Sonderaktion Architektur
New Publications
Annual REFORC Conference
Video Impression Thirteenth Annual REFORC Conference on Early Modern Christianity
Annual REFORC Conference
REFORC2024 Day 3: Continuing Encounters after Palermo
Annual REFORC Conference
REFORC2024 Day 2: Encounters in History
Video Interview with Kilian Schindler
REFORC Book Award Winner 2024: Kilian Schindler
Annual REFORC Conference
REFORC2024 Day 1: Encounters in Palermo
New Publications
The Zurich Origins of Reformed Covenant Theology
New Publications
Above the Abyss
New Publications
Guy de Brès: Le Baston de la Foy chrestienne
Online Courses for Students of Reformation History
New Publications
The Protestant Ethic in Hungary. The Puritan Ethic and its Influence
Interferences I.: Interactions between Print and Scribal Publicities during the Long Reformation (1500-1800)
New Publications
Ecumenical Challenges of Luther research
New Publications
Lebensbeschreibungen der 3 berühmten Gelehrten Heinrich Alting, Johann Freitag und Jacob Alting