New Publications
The Medieval Church Art Collection
New Publications
Confessional Lutheranism and German Theological Wissenschaft
New Publications
The Industry of Evangelism
New Publications
A Companion to the Spanish Scholastics
A Reformation of the MIR
New Publications
Voltaire. Die Abenteuer der Freiheit
Plenary Speakers Eleventh Annual REFORC Conference on Early Modern Christianity
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Humanism, Capitalism, and Rhetoric in Early Modern England
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Die Buchmalerei in der Kölner Domhandschrift
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Außereheliche Sexualität und Illegitimität
New Publications
Grote geschiedenis van de Nederlandse taal
New Publications
Antwerpen. De gloriejaren
New Publications
A Companion to Catholicism and Recusancy in Britain and Ireland
New Publications
A Companion to the Reformation in Scotland, c.1525–1638
CSS Early Bird Deadline
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Open Access: Kardinal Cesare Baronio und das Kurienzeremoniell des posttridentinischen Papsttums
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De grote en vreeselike vloed. De Sint-Elisabethsvloed 1421-2021
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Het Renaissance-wonder. Bakermat van een nieuw mens- en wereldbeeld
New Publications
Space, Image, and Reform in Early Modern Art. The Influence of Marcia Hall
New Publications
Gisbertus Voetius (1589–1676) on God, Freedom, and Contingency