Annual REFORC Conference
Theme and Dates #REFORC2025
New Publications
Das Jüngste Gericht in den Konfessionen und Medien der Frühen Neuzeit
New Publications
Der Jansenismus im deutschsprachigen Raum, 1670–1789
New Publications
Gereformeerde getijden
New Publications
The Marrow of Certainty. Thomas Boston’s Theology of Assurance
New Publications
Sebastian Brant (1457–1521)
Live Stream Bathory Conference
New Publications
How Luther Regards Moses. The Lectures on Deuteronomy
New Publications
The Holy Spirit—The Comforter
New Publications
Das Wittenberger Heiltum
Annual REFORC Conference
Call for Papers: Thirteenth Annual REFORC Conference on Early Modern Christianity
New Publications
Shaping the Profession. Towards a Genealogy of Professional Ethics
New Publications
Le père du siècle: The Early Modern Reception of Jean Gerson (1363-1429)
New Publications
Grundfragen des evangelischen Kirchenrechts
New Publications
Protestant Church Architecture of the 16th-18th Centuries in Europe
New Publications
Die Vivarini. Bildproduktion in Venedig 1440 bis 1505
New Publications
Prayer Books and Piety in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Call for Papers: Calvin, Capital and the Camel. Thoughts and Practices on Money in Early Modern Christianity
New Publications
Scala Christus est. Reassessing the Historical Context of Martin Luther’s Theology of the Cross
New Publications
Westfalen. Geschichte eines Landes, seiner Städte und Regionen in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit