
Heinrich Bullinger. An Introduction to His Life and Theology
New Publications
Heinrich Bullinger. An Introduction to His Life and Theology
News from the Long Reformation in Eastern Europe (1500-1800) Research Group
News from the Long Reformation in Eastern Europe (1500-1800) Research Group
Refusing to Kiss the Slipper
New Publications
Refusing to Kiss the Slipper
Economics of Faith. Reforming Poverty in Early Modern Europe
New Publications
Economics of Faith. Reforming Poverty in Early Modern Europe
International Congress 2023 on Calvin Research – Save the Date
International Congress 2023 on Calvin Research – Save the Date
The Oxford Handbook of John Bunyan
New Publications
The Oxford Handbook of John Bunyan
Der Böhmische Ständeaufstand 1618-1620. Akteure, Gegner und Verbündete
New Publications
Der Böhmische Ständeaufstand 1618-1620. Akteure, Gegner und Verbündete
The Medieval Church Art Collection
New Publications
The Medieval Church Art Collection
Confessional Lutheranism and German Theological Wissenschaft
New Publications
Confessional Lutheranism and German Theological Wissenschaft
The Industry of Evangelism
New Publications
The Industry of Evangelism
A Companion to the Spanish Scholastics
New Publications
A Companion to the Spanish Scholastics
A Reformation of the MIR
A Reformation of the MIR
Voltaire. Die Abenteuer der Freiheit
New Publications
Voltaire. Die Abenteuer der Freiheit
Plenary Speakers Eleventh Annual REFORC Conference on Early Modern Christianity
Humanism, Capitalism, and Rhetoric in Early Modern England
New Publications
Humanism, Capitalism, and Rhetoric in Early Modern England
Die Buchmalerei in der Kölner Domhandschrift
New Publications
Die Buchmalerei in der Kölner Domhandschrift
Außereheliche Sexualität und Illegitimität
New Publications
Außereheliche Sexualität und Illegitimität
Grote geschiedenis van de Nederlandse taal
New Publications
Grote geschiedenis van de Nederlandse taal
Antwerpen. De gloriejaren
New Publications
Antwerpen. De gloriejaren
A Companion to Catholicism and Recusancy in Britain and Ireland
New Publications
A Companion to Catholicism and Recusancy in Britain and Ireland